SimCity BuildIt Cheats And Tips for Beginners Complete List

SimCity BuildIt Cheats And Tips for Beginners Complete List - SimCity BuildIt is a spin-off game of the SimCity series for iOS and Android released by Electronic Arts. It is currently the most played SimCity game, according to EA. The game is free-to-play, with in-app purchases. The game utilizes music as well as graphics similar to SimCity (2013), although it is slightly down-scaled in order to fit in with the iOS and Android devices' graphic capabilities.

The aim of this game is to ultimately build up a huge city whilst also ensuring you’ve made all the precautions that come with helping a big city run whilst avoiding big issues. Here are some of the best SimCity BuildIt Cheats, Tricks And Tips you need to know for SimCity BuildIt.

Keep Your Stores and Factories Busy

Keep producing items(Stores and Factories) as continuously as possible. Ensuring that you've got a constant production of your basic materials, which include: seeds, metal, minerals, wood and plastic. Sell extras at the Trade Depot of SimCity BuildIt. If no real humans buy them, Daniel (the bot) will.

Expanding Your Population

Creating a massive city in SimCity BuildIt with the type working parts that make it run without too many issues is the name of the game. This in turn leads to your custom city greatly increasing in population. Have plenty of people move in by building plenty of new residences and upgrading them as much as possible. More people living in your city means you’ll gain more tax money that can be used for beautification projects. Build up a few parks, keep your city’s population happy and you’ll amass more coins on a daily basis from your City Hall.

Spending SimCash for a specific purpose

As a beginner, when you start playing SimCity BuildIt for the first time, you get SimCash for free but you can always try to get more cash when you pay for it. Using SimCash can enhance the speed of the game to a great extent although it may not be the best way to go.

Upgrade City Storage and Expand When Possible

Speaking of your storage getting full, the best way to prevent that is by upgrading it. In order to upgrade it, though, you need special items that you can't manufacturer in your factories or stores in SimCity BuildIt. Instead, you have to collect them either by popping speech bubbles that come up randomly or buying them in the Global Trade Headquarters.

Replace what you use

If you use a factory full of plastic, start up another set. Just keep production flowing. If you don't need it when it's done, sell it. This helps keep an extra bit of cash coming your way.

Pay Close Attention to Your Buildings’ Area of Effect

Properly running residential areas in the game means making good use of the city services offered to you. SimCity BuildIt Residential zones most definitely need fire stations, police stations and other buildings of their ilk built within the area. These buildings should be built and placed in close proximity to residential zones, which leads to a positive area of effect and helps that zone generate more tax income.

Figure Out a Good Layout

Pretty much the one goal of SimCity BuildIt is to have as many residents as you can possibly have, and to do this, you need to figure out a good and efficient layout for your buildings and squeeze in as many residents as you can in the small amount of space you have.

Be Patient

One of the biggest mistakes that you could make in SimCity BuildIt is adding too many residential buildings and upgrading them too quickly.

One of the tricks for playing this game is to have a patient attitude which players lack often when they are in a state of excitement. For instance, many people make the mistake of adding a lot of residential plots and also upgrade them in a jiffy.

It is good to remember that you will need money for buildings and increasing the number of services such as fire, water, health and police will require you construct more buildings. For instance, if you have too many residential buildings without enough fire service departments or police stations, the residents of the city might just start moving due to lack of essential facilities.

Presentation of a good layout

The motto of SimCity BuildIt is to increase the number of residents for which you must design an effective layout to squeeze in more residents. A reasonably good layout of residential buildings is that which also includes services and parks to serve the residents.

Free up the bottleneck.

The biggest bottleneck in the game is the Farmers Market. If you see Fruit & Berries, Beef, Cheese, Cream or Flour Bags in the Trade HQ, buy it. Eliminating one of those items from the equation can make production much easier for you.

Move Around Your Buildings

You should never worry about paying for anything when it comes to organizing and re-organizing the building and streets you’ve already placed in your city. Once you have placed an item or building, it can be moved again! When it comes to the organization of any buildings or beautification objects don’t worry about how much it is going to cost you to move things around, because it won’t cost you a single coin. Customize your city as much as you'd like when it comes to changing the location of buildings and streets and your master plan for a well-running city will come to fruition.

Upgrade City Storage.

If you’re the type that is constantly making brand new materials, but you are not always using them straight away, what you need to be doing is making sure you have got you are city storage upgraded as much as you can do, so you are storing as many items and materials as you possibly can do.

When you can, try to use materials straight away on important projects to avoid your storage getting full, especially with the really common basic materials, these, you will likely need to get rid of quickly as they have a tendency to take up a lot of your storage space, you’re better of reserving much of your storage space for the rarer materials and items you don’t come across very frequently.

Buy Expansion Item

Buy every expansion item/storage item you see in the Trade HQ, even if you're not currently expanding. If you don't want them, list them in your Trade Depot (unadvertised) for your neighbors. If you're good to them, they'll be good back to you later down the line.

Always Keep a Great Mix of Materials and Items on Hand for Residential Upgrading Efforts

Upgrading residential buildings means you’ll need to gather the materials gathered from factories and the items that come straight from your stores. Make sure you have a nice mix of basic materials and store produced items at all times so you can keep your population happy and build up a healthier neighborhood for them. Keep your industrial area far away from your residential area, by the way.

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead for the cargo ships and airport. Start production of those items as soon as it tells you what's coming. The long build time items usually require two or three of each. The raw goods and other short term items may take up to 10. Build more than you need and sell any excess. Try to minimize the time the cargo vehicles spend in your city. Pack them up and let the next shipment get started as soon as possible.

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