How to make : Website and Blogspot XML sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file which you can write down all the URL web pages of your site to tell search engines about the page structure of your site contents. Search engine crawlers like Bingbot, Googlebot, YandexBot, Baidu Spider, etc read the XML file you've uploaded it into your host server and crawl your site. For Blogger/Blogspot just insert these simple parameters:

How to make Website and Blogspot XML sitemap, add to search engines, Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu, Blogger


Open your Google webmaster Tools ( page, sign up with your Google account if you haven't had it yet.

And add them to after you main blogspot URL, for example
change the your-blogspot-domain to your own blogspot domain.

And if you have more than 500 posts in one blog, you can add it like this:

And if you have more than 1000 posts in one blog, submit another XML sitemap parameters into your Google webmaster tools page like this:

And so on. Next is how to make website XML.

Below are the main requirement tags for website XML Sitemap:



List each of your webpage files between tags except the ones you don't want them to be crawled by the bots, the 404.html page for example. There are also optional tags, you can add them tags (you can find the optional tags below).

Sitemaps can contain specific types of content on a webpage, such as video, images, mobile, and news content. You can declare content types to using the namespaces, if you had mixed contents in a single webpage you can include them all, here are the namespaces:


Google suggest that news XML sitemap should be created in a different file from the other XML sitemaps.

<urlset>RequiredEncapsulates all the URL files and references and information about the current protocol standard.
<url>RequiredParent tag for each URL entry, URL informations.
<loc>RequiredYou can put the URL of the page file between this tag. This URL must begin with the protocol (such as http). The URL must be less than 2,048 characters.
<lastmod>OptionalThe W3C Datetime format of last modification of the file.
<changefreq>OptionalThis value provides the information how frequently the page to change(approximately) and this information may not correlate with the crawl process of the search engines. The valid values are : always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never. These values considered hints not command, and Google suggest to use never for archived URLs.
<priority>OptionalThe priority of a URL relative to all the other URLs on the website. This priority can range from 1.0 (extremely important) to 0.1 (not important at all). Google note :
The priority tag does not affect your site ranking in Google search results. Priority values are only considered relative to other pages on your site so, assigning a high priority (or specifying the same priority for all URLs) will not boost your entire site search ranking.



If you don't know how to use XML you can read this article » What is XML and how to use it

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